CMS: Last Class

This class was seriously interesting.

Mind = Blown

I really enjoyed Mr Ivy’s food demonstrations, the special effects makeup and the videos he showed us about learning to accept “the nothing”. It caused me to self-reflect with some existentialist questions.

Taking CMS and PD this term was super fun and I actually think it should be compulsory for all first years 🙂

CMS: Last Class

CMS: Mood Boards

I honestly feel like this article speaks the truth on mood boards:

I enjoy creating mood boards because, as I’ve posted before, I really love experimenting with colour in design. Even though it can be a tedious process (especially when you make one as a collage in Photoshop) it really is worth it in the end. I have 2 upcoming mood boards to create for CMS – one about our film concept and one about the characters.

Below is a mood board collage template I designed to make life easier when time constraints exist 🙂 Screen Shot 2015-06-04 at 1.04.50 PM

CMS: Mood Boards

Film Styling, Costume Design, Makeup Design, Production Photography: Second Class


This class was all about cognition and schema.

Cognition refers to mental abilities and knowledge.

Schema is basically a ‘shortcut’ that our minds create due to patterns and relationships in interpreting and linking new information to familiar information. Unfortunately, schemas can fuel stereotypes, which causes us to ignore new information.

These two concepts link with the previous class where we learnt the notion of effect-affect. When a clip or a film has meaning, it has the ability (effect) to affect your body physically. This is because when a concept is relatable and is emotionally relevant, our bodies are able to resonate with this and mirror with what we are seeing. I find this fascinating because we react instinctively.

I use film as an outlet, such as that of escapism. Two brilliant films I watched recently were The Giver (2014) and Ex Machina (2015). It has been a long time since I’ve had the privilege of being so engulfed in a film, that it prevents you from fulfilling your basic human needs. That may sound rough, but when a film is intense then a film is intense. I enjoyed the first film more than the second, but I was so ecstatic to watch these brilliant films consecutively. When last? I live for those moments.

We also learnt about Dualism, in which we as humans tend to have two different versions of ourselves – our outer, fabricated self versus our inner, intrinsic self. I both agree and disagree with this concept. I understand that some of us may be different around different people (family and friends) and that this blog may be a part of me, not the full version of me. But I still believe that we should be the same person yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Film Styling, Costume Design, Makeup Design, Production Photography: Second Class