CMS: Last Class

This class was seriously interesting.

Mind = Blown

I really enjoyed Mr Ivy’s food demonstrations, the special effects makeup and the videos he showed us about learning to accept “the nothing”. It caused me to self-reflect with some existentialist questions.

Taking CMS and PD this term was super fun and I actually think it should be compulsory for all first years 🙂

CMS: Last Class

Assassin Project: Introduction


To research, design and envision characters for a CSI Drama film product in order to pitch to the Fox Crime Network on DSTV. The crime scene investigative drama will air on DSTV at 22:00 pm every Friday. The research intends to identify characterisation that seeks to be effective in affecting a target audience.

For the purposes of this project, my protagonist will be a trained female assassin. The concept behind this approach is justice, which will be further explored below, through research and character exploration. This project serves as a basis for learning and developing new, practical skills.

Target Audience: The key ‘specimen’ are single females, ages 18-30, who attend university or have a full-time job, a middle-high income and are attracted to television series that involve suspense.

The story is established through the eyes of Vivian Mallory. We see that she is an ordinary 27-year-old female complying to her everyday routine and job. Or so we think.

We follow her through a series of compromising events. We learn that she is one way by day and another by night. She works an arbitrary job as an assistant printing helper at a crime investigation agency. The agency is located in a tall business building in the Cape Town City Centre. This is due to the fact that she secretly works for the government as a trained assassin, ready to eliminate any person who poses as a threat to the country or (actually) the exposure of confidential information and secrets in government.

Her mentor, Jim Washington (and boss) gives her all the information she requires for the next ‘elimination’, as well as providing her with gear, weapons and further training. These two characters share an unbreakable trust.

The motivation behind this concept was to explore the psychology behind an organised, premeditated murder – especially when the protagonist refuses to see it as murder, but rather, as justice.

Assassin Project: Introduction