Assassin Project: Vivian Mallory


Name: Vivian Qistina Mallory

Name Meanings: life (ironic), justice, war counsellor
Age: 27
Height: 160cm
Weight: 57kg

Style of ‘elimination’: Organised and premeditated, she follows a set of rules in order to maintain her sanity. For example, she refuses to know any information about the victim’s family.

Character Inspirations: Assassin’s Creed (Fiora Cavazza), Lara Croft Tomb Raider, Catwoman (Selina Kyle).

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She is a trained female assassin who kills certain men in positions of high power, as they pose a threat to the country and the government. Her mother was murdered when she was only 3 years of age. She did not have the best relationship with her father, as he was absent in her life due to the fact that he was busy as an assassin as well. Her father did not realise that she knew what he really does. As a teenager she would often follow him and witness some of his ‘work’.

Her traits include; stubborn, patient, assertive, solitary, pragmatic, organised, meticulous and brave. Audience members who possess the same traits as Vivian will be able to relate to her.

Vivian typically has a serious attitude and a bold nature, creating many boundaries for herself in order to maintain her mind. She attempts to remain preoccupied and detached from society. She is distant from others because she is worried that if she lets her guard down, people will take advantage of her or somehow discover who she really is.

Her relationship with Jim, her mentor, is inspired by two films. Firstly, the father-daughter relationship in Hanna (2011) between Hanna (Saoirse Ronan) and Erik (Eric Bana). They have a deep trust in each other and we see how he trains his daughter to be an assassin. Secondly, the character portrayed by Kurt Russell in Furious 7 (2015) who provides weapons for the team. He refers to himself as “Mr. Nobody”.


Assassin Project: Vivian Mallory

CMS: Fourth Class

This workshop was all about photography, specifically lighting. It brought back memories for me, because I used to be really interested in photography before film.

“The camera is a sketch book, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity” (Henri Cartier Bresson, 1976). — from workshop slide

I would say I love natural lighting. It just feels so authentic (not that there is anything wrong with otherwise) but it also depends on what time of day it is. I enjoyed looking at the photo lighting examples in this presentation because they were all so accurate. My favourite would have to be the close-up shot of the flower, because photos show intricate detail so beautifully.

CMS: Fourth Class

Film Styling, Costume Design, Makeup Design, Production Photography: First Class

Year Learning Objective: “To introduce a basic understanding of the effective process through the styling design of fictional character dress that aims to be affective for an identified target film viewing market.”

Workshop Learning Objective: “The workshop is focused on the introduction of concepts paramount in understanding the aim and process of a CMSP designer to effectively affect a target viewing audience.”

Otherwise known as CMSP (Costume, Makeup, Styling, Photography), this class is not as ‘easy’ as it’s stereotype. It demands a large amount of concentration and terrific listening skills. I rate this is because it requires so much psychological research into a character/(s).

I admire the way Mr Ivy teaches because it actually makes you think and self-reflect. This workshop revealed how easy it is for us to be psychologically manipulated. It happens daily, all around us. In other words, “…If someone manipulates your thoughts and emotions, messing with your head, you naturally feel resentment: he or she has distorted your perceptions, disturbed your feelings, maybe even usurped your self” (McGinn, 2008:1).

Research into the styling of a character is so absolutely imperative in order for them to be relevant in the story and believable by the audience. One doesn’t understand this fully until they actually have to research a character and link their psychology (value systems, personality) to create emotional relevance for the script/story.

I must admit, sometimes I struggle to understand all the different concepts presented in class, but after time I begin to understand them as they all revolve and work together.

Film Styling, Costume Design, Makeup Design, Production Photography: First Class