Yesterday’s Trip To The Prop Shop

The realness of the student struggle (and my curiosity) led me to the prop shop, where you are able to rent props for a fee. It’s amazing to see typical, everyday items now dubbed as props.

The burgundy material (on top of pile) will prevent paint missions and help save financially.materialWine glass for that grape glass

Beautiful.It was like shopping for a house.


Ignore the transparent beauty. I just didn’t want to fiddle.dinner plates

Yesterday’s Trip To The Prop Shop

Production Design: First Class

Production Design really interests me in the sense that you can decipher A LOT from the aesthetics of a film.

I learnt that everything (everything) placed on a set has to have meaning. (Isn’t that the purpose of film anyway? Man’s unending search for meaning). Everything placed in a scene has to have some form of a purpose that is not solely for practicality reasons.

I learnt more about the ‘hierarchy’ of jobs within the film industry currently, and I definitely agree with Miss E that it should rather be a group effort – a collaboration of rich ideas and new perspectives from every crew member in the team. It reminded me about the mini experiment in a Production Course lecture: two groups of people had to be creative with plastic white cups. The one group, led by a single leader, produced a simple and straight-forward cup tower. The other group, with input from everyone, produced a very artistic cup tower. Enough said.

The assignments for Production Design seem creatively challenging, which I love. The one that seems the most challenging to me is the ‘Reinvention of a Fairytale’ assignment. I think it will become ‘easier’ once I actually have an idea of what modern day societal issue I want to confront.

Upon being reminded of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, I learnt that this is a useful tool to help define one’s target audience. To have the ability to directly influence a specific audience is a great opportunity.

Below is a rough draft of my ideas and inspiration for my project group’s term 2 film.


Production Design: First Class